by: Grace Claywell
Standing in this world all free of dust, my shining blue eyes bleed
With emotions for the timing of my crash that filled the night sky
Also filled the hearts of those that felt the aftershock.
Time stood still as did my heart while I looked upon the tree,
The cushion to my fall, the keeper of my emotions, but
The tree felt no pain, only me.
Rain floods in through the windows as my shinier-
Than-the-sun hair falls down poetically and creates a blanket over my
Chest now soaked with red and clear alike.
I stared into the nothingness of the roots of the tree and
I was pushed by the darkness, shoved about until I was freed,
Never knowing until the moment of my escape that I had not managed it alone.
There stood a person, shielded by the night, ungendered,
Unknowing, all-seeing, a trace of gold thread
Slowly cracking the tightly knitted darkness.
This person could exterminate the evil in this world,
Tell the mountains to move, the seas to part, and so they would,
Their unique opportunities and talents those of grace and immortality.
My soul went with this all-knowing figure, leaving
Behind the world I previously knew, and together I was unafraid, watching
As my lifeless body slowly disappeared from view.
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