Thursday, August 14, 2014

Honors III: What does it mean to be an American? (100-200 words)


  1. I think that being an American means that I have certain rights like, freedom of speech and religion. Freedom of speech is important because, it means you can say and do whatever you want without being judged and/or punished. If you have an opinion about something you can freely express your opinion. Another right we have as Americans is freedom of religion. Freedom of religion is good because you can worship anyone/anything you want without being judged. In other countries, people get punished for worship and sometimes even people are killed, so we are very lucky to have this freedom.

  2. Being an American means that I am free. I am free in things such as religion, speech, rights and justice. Also, being American means you were born right in the USA. We are all treated equal and don't have to worry about what skin color we are or what culture you may come from. It means we have the right to vote for who we want as president and we have the right to go pursue an education. Being American also means being able to say the "Pledge of Allegiance". We have liberty, and we have a very diverse country in which makes us strong with the way we have learned and experienced different ways of living.

  3. To me, being an American means that you are able to do what you like. You are not forced to pursue a career that you have no interest in, you are not forced to work long hours for little to no pay, and you do not have to fight against your free will. Being an American means that you are free to do whatever you want to do. No matter the color of your skin or the God to which you pray, you can come and live peacefully with others. You do not have to fear being jailed or killed because of your opinion. Being an American is much more than just living or being born in America; it is the idea that one can live freely and enjoy their life the way they choose to. That is what being an American means to me.

  4. Americans are a proud people and for good reason. We have earned our place in this cruel world which you must fight for basic rights that everyone deserves. Our forefathers led a revolution against at the time the strongest military power in the world. Americans thankfully never forget their past. We honor those that have fought for our freedoms, our rights, and others too. We aren't always considered respectful by others, which is another great quality of the American body as a whole. No one cares what others think of them. Americans are who they are, and in my opinion have great values that have lasted since the very founding of the nation.

  5. Being an American can mean a lot of things. It opens up so many new decisions, choices, and responsibilities for a person. First, let’s talk about how to become an American. To become an American, you must be born in the United States of America. Being an American can have a lot of pride behind it. This title means you were born in the United States of America and you have certain rights from our own U.S. Constitution amendments. As an American, you have freedom. Freedom of speech, able to bear arms, you are free to do anything you want that is legal. You could do almost anything you want, but every decision has a consequence. Some could be good, some could be bad. All together, being an American is something to be proud of. It means a lot because other countries don't have those kind of freedoms and rights like Americans do.

  6. Being an American means that I have certain obligations to my country. Every morning in school, I pledge my allegiance to America with my hand over my heart. While I am free and I have rights, I am expected to let other citizens to have that same freedom and those same rights. I must follow the laws our government puts in place to protect us. Until I turn eighteen, I am required by law to attend school and better my education so that, when I am no longer a dependent in my parents’ home, I can work to make society a better place. However, with everything that our good country gives us in return, a few obligations seems like a more than fair price to pay.

  7. I think being American means, that you can be who you want to be. Like, lets say that you wanted to be a police man, then you have the power to be a police man, just as long as they did they work to become one. Immigrants traveled over to America to be free from all the problems they had in their original living places. America was just a better place for them, they had to chance to escape all that and become free in a way. When they did that, they also got to pursue their dreams of becoming something like a lawyer, artist, or even a teacher. It just takes a little work to become you want, but you’re free to do that, as long as you put effort into it. No matter if you’re originally American, or somebody that came here to get away from a bad life.

  8. Every American has a tradition to uphold. When we wrote our rights on paper, we did so with the hope we would build a nation, a strong nation, independent from an exploiting government. We fought off our oppressors when they had the best military power in the world. Ever since our secession from Great Britain, we have fought for what we believe, every man’s three unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, for all groups of people. Freedom is what is most closely associated with the United States of America, therefore, to be a true American, one does not need to be born into the country, but they must be ready and willing to protect others’ freedoms as well as their own, uncompromising with their vision of freedom.

  9. Being an American means that you have more freedom and privileges opposed to other countries. These freedoms include: religious freedom, freedom to do what you like in order to be yourself, and freedom of speech. Other countries don’t have as many opportunities like having the right to choose between two things while America gets to chose whatever they would like. Citizens from other countries also don’t have choices on what they want to do, unlike Americans who have a say on what the choose to do while other countries assign people jobs and make them do whatever the country needs them to do. Our freedom and privileges are allowed to an extent, that is why there are laws set for America but it keeps this a safer country and other countries are not as lucky as us.

  10. Being an American means, well, we were born in America. This is obviously an advantage over other countries who are not so fortunate, as we are free to truly be ourselves (in many accounts, though not in all, unfortunately) and have access to many resources that others can only dream of. Our society is developed and flourished, revolutions in science and technology being born. Beyond our laws and democracy, we also have a pretty comfortable spot in terms of our geographic placement. The resources available to us are definitely impressive compared to those of lesser countries, and so being an American means we have access to things others do not.

  11. Being daughter of an immigrant, I have a greater view of other cultures. I can use this information to find a deeper meaning in what it means to be an American. Freedom is a driving force inside the hearts of all Americans, but I feel that the true meaning of being an American is pride. Americans are proud of who they are and what they do. They fly American flags high in front of their businesses and homes. America’s signal of freedom is the bald eagle. It is proudly displayed all over, always leaving a trace of America. Americans even express their pride in song lyrics, “ ...and I’m proud to be an American..” As you can see this is not a quiet country. Americans always have a way of making sure everyone know who they are. Showing your american pride is what it truly means to be an American.

  12. More often than not, when people are asked what it means to be an American the first thing that comes to mind is freedom. While this is true, many people overlook the fact that our government and our country may no longer discriminate against us because of our sex. Men and women both have equal rights, meaning that there is no higher ranked sex in our country. Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, have different laws when it comes to this issue. In Saudi Arabia, men and women are not treated as equals. Sometimes we may take it for granted, but I believe that this should be one of the main aspects that come to mind when we think about our rights as American citizens and what it means to be an American.

  13. To be an American is to be able to express yourself and your rights. We, as Americans, have a right to express our freedom of religion and speech as well as the right to bear arms. Here, we don’t have to hide ourselves from the government because of the color of our skin or what we believe in; we are free to show it off to the world. I am free to be myself, to be who I am the why I want to be and no one can tell me different otherwise. The American lifestyle may seem glamorous to other countries, but the only way to achieve your American lifestyle is to work hard at it. Not only that, but also love what you do. If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. Whether it is being president, a teacher, a dump truck driver, a pop star, or whatever you love to do, you have the right to express yourself and to be free to do it.

  14. Coming from a generation of soldier after soldier, I realize that freedom isn’t the only perk of being an American. To me, the best part of being an American, is knowing that their is a stranger that will risk their life to save yours. Living in America allows us to live the life we want. The possibilities here are beyond infinity, and the only thing that can hold us back is ourselves. I love knowing that if I go somewhere for vacation I’m safe, because of all the men in women fighting for me. Whether there is fighting going on or not, there is still stuff that has to be done in order for us to be independent, united, and as free as we want. Freedom is to me is a unrealistic exception for why I am proud to be an American. Nothing is free in this world. Whether its money, work, effort, or even thought its not free. Someone out there is putting forth something to make our home, the land of the free, home of the brave, the most desirable place to live, and I am proud to live under that.
    -Dylan Marshall

  15. An American is someone that will stand up for this country. It is someone that does not want to be given things but rather work hard and make an honest living to get them. They won't let someone else go to work from 9 to 5 while they stay home and then every two weeks go stand in line and get a check. Its also someone who will fight for there rights and defend America if someone says something negative about it. An American is someone that is not afraid to go to war with another country if they believe what they are fighting for is right. When something goes wrong were not the type of country to just sit there and let it happen we will do our best to make sure the best side comes out on top. With these things this is what it means to be a true American .

  16. Being American brings about a strong sense of pride in our nation. We have numerous rights that are unheard of in some countries, like freedom of speech, or freedom of religion. Using these rights we can tell the government what we agree with them doing or what we don't agree with. Previous societies have tried having dictatorships in place of a functioning government. An example of two countries doing this are Cuba and Soviet Russia. This type of government was heavily opposed by the United States, causing the Cold War which tensions are still felt today. Living in the United States means that we do not have to worry about waiting in bread lines for a set value of food from the government, or having them pick our careers.Being American means we have freedoms allowing for us to enjoy what we want to do, without worry of a tomorrow.

  17. To be an American, is to be the people, or generation, to carry on the baton that our forefathers have handed to us. Many times, our Americans appear when our country, or a friend of our country's is threatened by an enemy. This can be seen during the World War Two era after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Filled with righteous anger our men went over-seas to conquer the Axis Powers and succeeded. They were not the only ones to do there duty though, for the women back home took up the load that the men had previously carried. Caught up in that patriotic feeling, the women stepped out of the shoes of being a housewife, and became our factory workers the helped win the war. This American feeling can be seen not only in our both of our world wars, but in any times of turmoil as in the beginning times of our country; The Revolutionary War. So, when I think about what it is to be an American, I believe it is appreciating, and learning how to carry on the work, blood, tears, pain, and joy that our forefathers have given to make this country what it is today.

  18. Julia Whittler: Being an American is a very wonderful and interesting privilege. Some individuals are ambivalent about being Americans. Being an American means we have freedom. As long as we are not being insulting in any type of way, we are free to dress how we want, speak how we want, live where we want, eat what we want, etc. As Americans we have a lot of freedom, but even though we have a lot of freedom, we are still obligated to follow certain laws and guidelines for the safety of ourselves and others. Being an American means we are respected as long as we are not breaking laws or committing crimes.

  19. Today, many young people exclaim “‘Merica,” whenever they are proud of their country, and they have every right to be. To me, being an American means that I am free. I have the freedom of choosing who I marry, freedom to vote, and freedom of religion. These are very important aspects of being an American to me. For instance, in countries all over the world, young women do not have a say in who they marry, as their fathers make arrangements because of wealth or for other reasons. Also, for a long time in the U.S., and in some countries still today, women were not allowed to vote. Since I will turn eighteen in just a few years, having the right to vote is a new and exciting thing that I am thankful I will be able take part in. Religion is a big part of my life. I cannot image how my life would be if I was forced to worship to someone that was different than my beliefs. At the end of the day, everyone has their own opinion on what it means to be American, but this is what being an American is about to me.

  20. What does it mean to be an American? Well, in my eyes being American means standing up for your beliefs and going off the beaten path. We are a people of innovation and rebellion. Americans are strong willed and don't back down from diversity. We live by the word freedom and fight for that great privilege. As Americans we have great opportunities and bright futures. Being American means you can go to bed knowing that you live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are proud and God fearing people who want the best for everyone. We are lucky we live in a government run by the people. Being American is a great privilege and I consider myself very lucky to be an American.

  21. Whether you call it "The Land of the free" or "The Home of the Brave" no matter what name America is given, they all mean the same thing, to have freedom granted to us as a country, not just given. Freedom is never just free, freedom comes with a compromise, but living in America I have the freedom to make choices of my own. Being an American means to have the same freedom of equal rights as everybody else in America. The 27 amendments of the U.S. Constitution are statements of different freedoms that people have living in America. Freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, and freedom of speech are all amendments of the U.S. Constitution, and rights that every American has. Being an American means to make choices of my own that I choose to make. The choice of standing up for my rights, my country, and what I believe in is all up to what I decide, because I am free in American.

  22. To me, being an American it is all about freedom. Just by being born in America we are free to make all decisions for our life. As long as we follow basic laws, we are free to do whatever we want. We can choose our occupation, who we marry, how many kids to have, and can pretty much come and ago as we please. Many counties don’t have these freedoms. China, for example, restricts the number of children a couple can have. In many middle eastern countries, some marriages are prearranged. It does not matter if you love the person or not, your spouse is chosen for you. We can make our own decisions in America. Freedom makes that possible, and many Americans have given their lives to protect this right. America is a symbol of freedom all around the world, and I hope that never changes.

  23. I believe being an American means having freedom, and having pride in our country. Our ancestors fought very hard for our freedom, and to this day people sign up for the military so that we can continue to live freely. We have the right to choose what occupation we want, and where we want to live and/or raise our children. As Americans we get to choose the leaders that we want leading our country. Also, we are all treated as equals, despite our race, religion, or wealth.

  24. To me being an American means fighting for what you believe in no matter what the cost. Being an american also means setting goals and not stopping until you achieve them. Being an American means putting all of your effort into your job to provide for your family. It means not sitting around feeling sorry for yourself but instead going out and taking what you deserve. It means not being a “fair weather” patriot. It means forming your own opinion and not blindly conforming to whatever people in positions of power tell you to believe. To sum it up being an American means standing up for yourselves and your rights, not being oppressed while still maintaining respect for the officials in office.

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  26. Being an American entitles one to feel extreme pride in their nation. In america everyone is one and the same. Americans are all fingers upon the same hand. They may not look alike, but they are all needed. America is a nation of freedom. America has men and women willing to lay their lives down for its residents and ask for nothing in return so that the nation they love will always be free. Not to mention America is also a back-to-back world war champions. :D

  27. An American as defined by Wikipedia is a citizen of the United States, but in my opinion being an American is much more than that. Its about freedom,equality and the chance to make a difference. As an American you have freedom of speech, religion, and many more rights. In many other countries this is unheard of while we find it very normal. A true American sees everybody as equal no matter their race, mental disabilities or other flaws. We take pride in our and others differences. If you believe in something and have the ambition to make a change in your community, state or even the United States being an American allows you this freedom and support.

  28. Being American means that I was born with the greatest blessing of all. It means I was born free, and have the ability to live out how I please without the force of the government. I am defended by people that gave up their own to defend the people that couldn’t defend on their own. Being American also means that I can choose the occupation and education I receive. I also have the opportunity to change the occupation I have if I choose to. From all the sacrifices of my ancestors and forefathers, I am free enough to choose how I live my life without pressure from my own country. As a country, we are all able to stand up to the challenge of whatever is thrown at us. Biggest of all, I am able to thrive and live from the many people that are giving their own up to defend the people that can’t defend their own. Also, everyone has their own choice of whether or not to be in the military. Now, there is no draft, it is all that person's own choice. Everyone in America is born free, and that is what is I stand by with the utmost pride.

  29. I believe that being an American simply means being a citizen of the United States of America. There should be no strings attached when defining the term "American." I feel as long as an individual has met the requirements set by Congress, there should be no gray areas in stating that this person is an American.
    With being an American, a person should also get all of the freedoms stated in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. An American should be able to freely speak, while not confusing that with saying whatever they wish, and feeling as though no consequences should take place. Americans should also be able worship, (or not worship), whoever or whatever they wish to, without persecution.
    Overall, I feel as if someone meets the requirements of Congress, or is born in the States, that individual should be considered an American.

  30. In today's standards, to be an American means to live in one of the greatest countries in this world. We have accomplished so much from starting with so little. We came here with almost nothing and yet today we have the most. We've gone through hard times and despair such as, both world war one and world war two, civil war, and a revolutionary war. Even though we have had these hardships we always succeed and keep evolving. We went from just discovering the light bulb to trying to figure out how to make cars more eco friendly. We have accomplished so much over the years in this great country. Here it is time for our generation to add on to the legacy of this great nation weather it be good or bad, success or failure. Either way it's time for us to step up and leave our mark.

  31. To be an American is to have freedom. Our nation prides itself in all its rights of freedom to its people. But that freedom was not merely given but earned through hard will power against strong opposing forces. The United States was born through rebelling against England; a declaration of independence, a stand against bias government. The United States presently serves as a peacekeeper for other countries providing help to military forces and to those in poverty. In doing this we try to exert our freedoms to others. I am not the one out fighting for our country or other countries but I support those who need help and are less fortunate then us -- "the Americans." Whether I am giving fifty cents to charity at subway, or emptying my pantry for the canned food drive,I am sharing and displaying America's freedom.

  32. Being born in the United States is one of the greatest gifts that a person could be given, being an American allows you to have the rights that citizens of other countries could hardly even dream of. Just being born in the United States gives you an endless amount of freedom, enough to allow you to direct your life down whatever paths you choose. I find that Americans laugh louder and more often, we love to share our stories to whoever listens, and we tend to always a purpose, even when we are walking in the wrong direction. These are the reasons why i love living in the United States and I'm proud to be an American.

  33. Being an American to me means that I have the support, safety and promises that my country can do things that better me. This country started out because the people of England or any other country at the time we're not given or guaranteed their rights as people. We as Americans from the very beginning have had own our individual rights such as; the right to bare arms, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, we are allowed to travel within our own country freely. These are better known as our amendments. We are also given our civil rights which give us the privilege to be able to disagree with something our government says without being punished for doing so unlike many other countries. Women also have the same rights as men in our country, people of color and different race have the same rights. The most important thing to me though as a young adult, and woman is that I am allowed to attend school and be educated whether I am male or female. I am allowed to follow my dreams of practicing medicine, cure the sick, make child smile and save lives one day because being an American citizen means we are one nation under God.

  34. Being an American is something very special to me. It allows me to most importantly be a Christian freely, and practice my faith however I choose. This is something us Americans have the right too, and I am very thankful for, and thank God for. Living in America means being free, and not having to be scared to go out. We are very fortunate to be able to be free, and often we don’t appreciate this like we should. To be able to live in a country that gives you the freedom to speak how you want, live how you want, serve God how you want, along with the many other things you have the freedom to do, is something very special. To often, us Americans take these basic freedoms for granted. People from all around the world, look at America, and see the freedom we have, and strive to become an American. Being an American is something I cherish, and am so very thankful for.

  35. I believe that being an American means to be free. We In the United States of America, we have many freedoms and rights, some of these include the freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms. The freedom of speech allows us to express our ideas and opinions to anybody willing to receive them. The freedom of religion permits us to choose to worship any god or goddess. The right to bear arms authorizes one to possess particular firearms with certain permits. We should all be proud to be an American because not many people are as fortunate as us and have to abide by very strict laws and are killed if they do not comply.

  36. Being an American means so much more than just living in the United States. It means you have the freedom to do mostly anything you want. You have the freedom to choose your religion, your job, and your entire future. Also, being an American means you stand up for your country at all times no matter what. Always standing and removing your hats for The National Anthem or saying The Pledge of Allegiance is also part of being an American. In America we have so many people who are willing to give up their own lives in the military to protect all of us. Being able to live in America and experience all these amazing things should be an honor for each of us.

  37. To me, being an American means that we have quite a bit of freedom, unlike many other countries who have little or no freedom at all. For example, here in America we have a tremendous variety of opportunities. We are able to go to school and we can choose our own classes; there are multiple countries that don’t have schools for their young citizens to attend, which makes life for them very difficult because most people there in those countries do not know how to read or write. In some other countries the citizens do not have the freedom to choose their own career, or even work at all! Here in America we have many jobs and careers to choose from. In the U.S. we have more freedom, and more to offer for everyone who legally moves or lives here. It is incredibly amazing how many different people from around the world come to America to work so they’re able to make a living for themselves, and send money back to their families. Being an American means to me that we have more freedom than most countries, along with having more to offer to make our everyday lives better.

  38. Growing up in America we are given so many freedoms that we take for granted. Around the world there are many laws that the citizens but abide by as there is in America. But in America our laws allow us freedom of speech and independence. I believe being an American means that I have freedom. Freedom means I can live my life and seize every opportunity I am given. As you travel around the world and study cultures you see how they dress and what rules they abide by. Us Americans might fight about who is in congress or in office but at the end of the day we all have the same freedoms which make us Americans.

  39. What does it mean to be American? Nowadays if I read a blog or or sit in a classroom discussing the meaning of being ‘murcian it usually involves muh freedom, muh freedom, oh and did I forget to mention my freedom? The common American man might be entitled to his own choices in life but when takes a walk back and looks at the big picture is he truly free? Yes it is a fact that an individual has the right to choose their own path in life, do what they want, and continually believe what they want. To be an American allows for a person to live out their life peacefully and without persecution, rights that are given to him or her at birth. The constitution which readily implies our rights, is something that has a meaning to be proud and defensive of America as it shows we are capable as a people to stand together against those who threaten an unrestrained way of life. Furthermore, many have sacrificed their lives to defend these rights installing a sense of honor and duty to American people that they continue to allow tranquility amongst the country through the defense of its borders, traditions, economical balance and world relevance. Unfortunately, I can think that to be an American is also pathetic, that we send our people to fight distant illogical threats while living in a financially collapsing nation where your goods and work (money) is sent to aids with lost causes and wars to fuel the interests of foreign groups and entities when it can’t even protect its own borders. The America we know today is a shadow of its former self, we elect representatives in the government who constantly preach but only bring about more restrictions and loses to their own people. It is not these representatives alone who bring about our slowly decaying society, but the people themselves. The ignorant, lazy, politically correct, and oh so obedient cowards that call themselves citizens of the United States who even sometimes allow themselves to have their rights taken away and turn their eyes to the truth, this, this the label for an American now. I would of had more pride and more faith in saying what it meant to be an American a few decades ago, but to say now what the meaning is in country that has lowered itself so far is pathetic and embarrassing.
