Thursday, September 14, 2017

Paige Heinrich-Watchtower

Lie in your shadow of spirits,
Oh silent shrine of patience.

From inside hides
A hunting eye,
Across foreign stories.

Primitive words
Are locked in the frozen capsule
Of thought’s oasis,

Never yielding
to curiosity’s grasp;

Solely to remain
An inaudible whisper:

“Acknowledge this surrender”

Carolyn Harness-"Fool's Gold"

Marble statues taunt tear-stained eyes.
Sacred faces giggle, an inside joke about the damned.
Praise deprived congregation falls to bended knee,
powerless to the priest’s wordless songs.
Oh, devoted, I wore the love of my God on my sleeve.
I cried out with Him on every hammering of His holy nails.
Mighty believers, you stole my Savior,
made Him wicked at the rumor of my shame.
Sacrosanct disciples, you bred my perdition and

cast me into this godforsaken abyss.